You were wrong

Immature 30-year-old, tasked with going to a Sephora.

SNL\Built to Spill You were right

“Objection, your honor”

I texted my twin about, Actor v. Actor 2022.

Regarding “rules of evidence” in which Court TV correspondent broke into broadcast to say Heard’s attorney needs a refresher course in how to parse questions, within those confines.

Depp’s lawyer Camille V. (featured above) successfully ran a clinic objecting to every question. I immediately thought JAP (cute Jewish) but her name sounds more Latino.

Johnny seems happy, but I think their strategy may end up back-firing. With the constant objections, after a while it was like “stop interrupting, and just let this bitch explain what happened.”

Tales from the crypt

“You’re going digital on me.”

F. Mcdorman acts in the film, “Laurel Canyon” where she immerses into an expensive house swimming pool as she says the “You’re going digital on me” line.

“Literally,” as the kids like to say. A digital divide that artists grappled verses emerging technology\ streaming/ Applies to music (mp3) technology and now dark web crypto-currency!

Celebs lining up to get into the act, (L.D. M.D.) Like Kobe B. pitching Qatar Airways.

Ralph’s yelp

It is not really my style to blast people’s character on this blog. But every so often some behavior is just so egregious I just have to call it out.

I noted right when I walked into to use Coinstar that security seemed beefed up. Wait times seemed longer than usual to check out. Gone are the days at Ralph’s when they were marketing themselves as “fast check-out.” The black security guard with bullet proof vest, I didn’t notice if he was armed.

Standing at the Starbucks near the entrance where I was getting an iced coffee before heading east to my Mom’s house. This older woman with a lot of bags wailed at the security guard. At first I thought she was alerting the guard to a situation I experienced at my local CVS (now closed) where a woman essentially used me as a distraction to commit her shoplifting.

But no, this woman was attempting to run a scheme in which she was placing herself as the victim. “The camera’s catch everything” and she claimed someone in the store reached into her bags and stole goods valued at one hundred dollars. The woman yelped her way out of the store where the security guard coolly said she “wouldn’t be served if she returned.” Muttering in frustration “Jesus Christ.”

Now I know desperate people in desperate times drives people to all sorts of abhorrent behavior. But this woman’s so culturally “tone deaf” ploy after what happened over the weekend in Buffalo. “Another mass shooting in America” said David Muir.

Yeah, maybe this isn’t the right week to attempt to shake down the local grocery store’s black security guard.

If this woman was really struggling for resources and means, it’s possible she was not aware of the events at Tops Market Buffalo. But In light of the events it seemed especially risky for her to be running her game. Menacing the security guard with her meritless claim.

Instead of scheming, her time might be better spent on watching television, reading the newspaper, internet, education, employment– like I spend (mostly) my time.

I was glad the guard kept his cool and I wasn’t placed in a crossfire situation.