
I don’t consider it a penis, i don’t it’s certificate. I mean eric does have a woman’s voice. Um, if eric said to you gonzo that he now identifies as a woman. Would that change anything? You have to lose 300 pounds and get breasts. No, you would have to look like a woman, Eric.

Doesn’t look like a woman. Eric would, you know? Like trying. What would you do that? I’ve seen you in winter. You’re not. It’s not attracted to me. That’s just not my sexual preference. I’m a straight and Eric. Would you be okay if gone into gonzo called your ass? A vagina?

Are you okay with that? The same. Yes, i would be okay with that. Yes, yes. All right. Can you tell Eric i’m not gay. I replaced. Well, i listen. I don’t know what you are. I don’t know you that well gonzo, but it’s just Obviously, i don’t know why you are anymore.

Well, you know what you are. Yeah, i’m sorry. 100% straight. Eric, what are? You know what i am? What are you? I’m 50 50. Okay. Oh, Oh, all right. I’m 100. Well, i guess guys, Eric’s feeling that You know. Because your your girlfriend has a penis. He thought maybe he had a shot with you.

Yeah, i i’m attracted to to women. They have to she and my, my girlfriend’s a wish and i really my girlfriend. We’re just cooking. Telling us, no, i’m attracted to to women and she’s a woman. She, she looks like a woman showing you would never know that she was trans except for her height.

Skimmed by a crack-head

Finances at Wells Fargo in July went deep-south. I think the ATM at the 7-11 across from the Nuart skimmed my data.

Looking at the paperwork today someone named LADWP Web Ronnie something or other received $442.00 from me.

Huh. I don’t know Ronnie or pay an LA DWP bill in that fashion. This triggered an unseemly amount of fees as the overdrafts started “piling on.”

The telephone customer servive person at Wells Fargo seemed nice enough but hedged at any refund likelihood.