Jill only

It was pretty good, man. We had a good time and uh went and saw the Disco biscuits down in Philly. And uh, oh man, I hurt myself. I’ve actually been out of work for like a week. A fell dude. Yeah, like I was doing everything all night. We went to the show, we drank we smoked, we had great mushrooms.

We did nitrous, I fall walking to bed, from my couch at, like, 5, 30, in the morning, I just tripped on my pants. I mean, all the things that could have hurt me that night, that’s how I go out. I was so pissed, man, but it’s really slow at work right now, so they’re like, they don’t really care.

They’re like just take the week and recoup, I’m fine. I’m getting better but it was, uh, definitely a weird way to bring 2025 and I was like if it hasn’t already been weird enough, you know, why don’t I know the Disco biscuits, what’s their deal? Like a jam van, they’re actually really good.

Um, I don’t I to be honest with you, I don’t know tons about them. But uh, I’ve turned a few people onto them. They’re pretty cool. Check them out on YouTube. They’ve done a really good job. How big a venue, do these guys play? I mean, because they’re not on my radar but that doesn’t mean anything.

They’re probably good. How many people were there? Okay, so we saw him at the Fillmore which is an awesome venue in Philly, picking Fishtown really. It’s kind of like the electric Factory, like anybody knows that it’s like a smaller more intimate venue, not really bad seat in the house, but beautiful venue.

And uh, so maybe I don’t know how many people were there. We’re pretty chilling, but I was able to like make it to like almost the front of the stage. So I mean I guess there was maybe a thousand people. Someone like that. You like to hear about these guys who you know, they’re not necessarily household names but they can make a living, you know?

Yeah. For shows right now. Uh, you know, it’s just like that kind of like in between time like everybody’s like I feel like on the West Coast when it’s like winter time here and then everybody comes to the East Coast like spring and summer. So I’ve got I’ve got my first show this summer on my last show.

The summer lined up. So I’m excited about that. I’m gonna go see, Teddy swims and then I got a waste this tickets. Don’t ask me how I scored it. Yeah. How did you get those Loisa tickets? That’s an easy score. That’s very nice. Yeah. I went on like this one app I have and like, it was like at night and like it’s on Labor Day.

So like my friend that goes to all the shows with me, I was like she’s got kids and stuff, so I was like, dude, can I pull the trigger? Like you’re gonna be away with the kids and she’s like, I’m coming. I’m like awesome ride or die baby. Don’t fight and kill each other before the show, you know?

Brother. You may make it. Yeah you might never get to see Oasis. I mean those two brothers get together it’s combustible I mean they they probably have like handlers who have to just like keep them engages. Yeah when they when they shift venues Those guys are. Just vicious with one another.

There’s a lot of bad blood there but the two brothers and I was in charge of Oasis, please keep them apart. I really want to see him on Labor Day. Man, that would be awesome. And that’s like definitely bucket list and I would think they’d ever get back together.

It must be hurt for cash, but whatever. I just hope they didn’t make it. Then it’s funny how brothers can get along once the cashier starts dwindling. Yeah, suddenly you got to sell some merch but uh, You know, that should be a good show and you know, if I ever get good on the guitar, I don’t know.

Jill. You might have to come see me in concert. I’m possibly putting together a band. Do you think they put those two brothers on the same t-shirt? Or can they not even get a law? No, you have to buy one or the other. It’s really unbelievable. All right, Joe later, gotta go and I hope you feel better.

Did you break your leg? So like I fell backwards, like my focal card, I fell back and I just it was I don’t know how, I didn’t my friends sleeping on the couch. I don’t even know how she didn’t wake up. I think I walked the whole apartment building up.

I was like, oh, But uh I’m I’m just resting, I’m fine. I’ll be all right. Just are you waiting? You know, when you’re wasted I remember like when I used to drink I remember once I broke my my pinky toe because I just slammed my foot into the desk you know like yeah stupid shit.

That’s the dumbest thing of all the things I’m wandering around looking for my Uber doing nitrous blends and I eat shit after I’ve been sleeping for hours like in my living room. Like are you kidding me? Like, I’m all the ways I could have got hurt that night. That’s like insane.

So we’re just gonna take it slow, slow and smooth, you know. Yeah, actually, I’m, I don’t know. I was going to announce this, but I’m the host of a new game show where people take, uh, nitrous balloons and then they have to call their Uber and uh, depending on how fast they do it, they win prizes.

You know he’s a big nitrous guy is uh Sal where are you Sal love? The psychic is uh well that’s why he’s a psychic.

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