Brit Lit

Next game employees for police saw. No signs of trouble and left 12 42. Am the fire department. Tells us another 9-1-1 call. Came in about an injured adult female. According to a published report Witnesses, said Brittany and her boyfriend, Paul Solis got into a huge fight and that she might have injured her leg.

The photos were taken at the Chateau Marmont the hotel. Beth Ann Brittany in 2007 for erratic behavior, that same year of her decorious breakdown when she shaved her head and tried to break a car window with an umbrella. There have been increased concern for Brittany in the last few days.

In this video, just posted Tuesday on our way to Gilmore’s that Friday. She adopts a British accent and calls for little sister. That’s the New York. Oh, cater to me, little His mental health has been front and center for years. She was finally released from her conservatorship in 2021.

Can you tell him? She needs it right away. We spoke to Dr. Charles Sophie about these new photos, unfortunately, when you are not thinking properly, you can’t see yourself or hear. Anybody telling you anything? You’re not going to think there’s anything wrong now. Have you concerns about the state of her well-being?

Brittany ended up not being transported to a hospital. Ironically, the incident comes on the same day or a divorce from her last husband Samus Garrick was finalized it Pro-Palestinian, protesters, weapon causing and destruction. And if the demonstrators hope to remain anonymous by wearing masks, forget about it, Jimmy Ray was at UCLA as cops moved in.

Chaos today at UC Health Center. After college administrators declare the Pro Palestinian camp on campus. He’s unlawful and Cox moved in Hotel strips down behind barricades, but are no match for officers in Ryan Pierce. Police fire rubber Bullets at students and pulled down a violent barricades at once. Encircle the encampment in order to be perfect.

I was there in the early morning hours as lines of California Highway Patrol officers dressed in Riot gear moved in. You can see behind me. This is the barrier that the protesters have put in place as of Wednesday. The sound of flashbangs. Could be heard all morning long. Remind everybody.

That is not gunfire. We are hearing correct. For KCAL news. Is a jolted by the noise during her live report. It did standoff between cops and demonstrators lasted. More than three hours and ended with 200 arrests. The once Mass protesters now, unable to remain anonymous and the usual pristine campus.

At UCLA today, looks like a dumb. Let me take you out to Royce Hall. The Crown Jewel UCLA. Let’s see buffets Brown. Spray paint on the walls. Entire area is blockaded. I spoke to this Jewish student who recorded video that he says, shows him being blocked by protocolas, to name protesters, they’re rooting, forced to all, be more people, and they just pushed me back.

Professor Muir Hoffman says he was assaulted on him as micropolitania protesters and is furious that it took the administration this long to respond. I would say that it’s a combination of dogs and the lack of leadership to bring lot over.

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