Dairy Queen dream. Ice cream after dark

Like go fuck yourself, okay? Because you’re gonna have to deal with it. You are a sick motherfucker. I swear to God. You see what I have to deal with. Yeah, I’m just trying to do things. I have to deal with. Yeah, deal with a nice person right here. Yeah, fucking 100 100 000.

Would give money. Correct. You know, hundred thousand, we gives you five percent of the business Ronnie Yeah I know exactly what it. Yeah I’m not you know. No, you’re definitely not stupid. So and then you’re rich friends, you have 10, rich friends, don’t worry about it. I don’t have the real friends, okay, Don’t don’t.

Right, I’m trying to raise funds. Thank you Howard. Yeah. Good. Go to somebody else. Answer the questions. Well, it’s just trying to make your money. Ron, you got it? Holy shit. He’s got Johnny, he’s got John, swearing for him now. Okay? If Blit laid off a couple of bottles of that expensive wine, he drinks he could invest, who says, I’m not going to invest.

I’m gonna invest with my time and my money, I’m behind John Hine with this. And also, we could turn it into a DQ after dark, which is something we discussed as well. I believe that for a minute and John Hines hear some truth or a DQ after dark. Well, we were talking about, you know, John Blitz and I were talking about what would make it different, or how we can make it unique.

And one of the ideas that we had was to do, a DQ after dark, which would be enticing to certain clientele where you have ice cream and then other things to get them in there and enjoy the experience. I have high chicks Ronnie’s in on that he can be in charge of them but that’s it.

That’s exactly what DQ after dark is. First of all, when you own a franchanch Shit like that. Okay, you do it, John Hine told me. If you do it to screen, John told me. Yeah, I told me he runs very the whole Dairy. Queen Corporation told me when you own a franchise, you have to ask permission to do things, okay?

You can’t just open Dairy Queen after dark. You can’t have a you can’t have like a Dairy Queen slash strip club. Uh you say Ronnie? No, definitely not. Yeah. All of a sudden there’s a stripper pole in the middle of Dairy. Queen. There’s nothing about business. That’s not true.

Hungry like the wolf

AI deep fake celebrity scammer. It’s apparenty a whole industry in Nigeria.This is an actor taking Wolfie’s mom for a ride. When his Mom learns it wasn’t actually Liam Nissan she calls him a “brat.”

The needing money for “helicopter fuel” should have been a tip off.


You do you think we could do that? Yes, I have a particular set of things that I will need you to bring along to this meeting. Is that all right? Okay. And what is that? First of all, your social security card, can you bring that? All right, uh-huh. And what else?

Your passport can you bring that? Yes, your birth certificate, a legal copy. Yeah, I have that also ATM cards the deed for your home. Okay. Thankful for your car, your license, and registration, and all the cash, and jury that you have in your domicile, can you bring these things?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wow, your mom is so agreeable. I’ll tell you nice lady when you were listening to this were you like what the fuck? I told her I said, listen, like, never ever mention me, because remember, like, she was trying to get you to help her. I was like, never mention me or Howard, like you’re gonna get me fired, like,