What has to be one of the most important issues facing this fractured nation today. Did you, or did you not decriminalize public urination in washington dc? Did you leave the charge to do so? Nobody revised criminal code left that as a criminal charge. Did you leave the charge to decriminalize public urination in washington dc?
No ma’am. Okay, favor of decriminalizing public urination, and washington dc. The revised criminal code. However, support is a criminal offense. Did you did and you support this criminal? I voted for it. Yeah. You voted to keep it as a criminal offense. That’s correct. The full council did. Whatever Warren bobber opens her mouth.
It should count as public urination.
What is it? Interesting line of question from someone, whose husband did jail time for exposing himself to a teenager and a bowling alley, but with our children being shot at their school’s. I have to say, i thank God every day that we have. People like, lauren bolbert representing the good people of colorado.