Channel fail

Do not feed Jer. Over-sharing compulsivo. Don't blame me, blame social-media. Live transcription of recorded files may contain error. Swimming with the tide. Purchasing secrets. Is this the ionized water?
Right away, protests in the Empire state, the reaction to Roe overturned by S.C.
“Playa” filter.
This aspect ratio might be problematic. I will check camera Settings.
A fitting homage to my now defunct cellular phone. A Korean company called the phone HTC One.
The need to go 5G, combined with ageing hardware and a hard drop on the kitchen floor, was enough to take my HTC down forever.
This is the first pic from my new Pixel 6. I know I will miss HTC photo editing software. Bothered by the fingerprint appearance. Is that dust on the TV, or fingerprint on phone camera lens?