Keen on the next track also. Love the beginning chorus. Despite some of the more derivative lyrics, Sweet gets in enough gems of songwriting and musicianship.
Month: December 2024
Jane says/ C-note

Sweet and low
Blown Away first song on Matthew Sweet’s latest album “Catspaw” or “Caraway?” Shazam annoyingly does not identify album name.
Bummed to hear that Matthew had suffered a stroke. Serious enough to merit crowd funding effort to cover medical expenses. Last I saw he had raised $400,000.
I bought this album through MP3 download, for the price of around eleven dollars from Amazon. I hope that counts as participating given surely Sweet receives royalties on sales.
Converted to disc via Nero Express laser burn.
Symptoms of his decline were characterized as probably not playing guitar any longer.
Strokes are an odd occurence causing devastating brain injury. Jamie Fox had one, but remained elusive with media for over a year.
Not to be an inside-baseball jerk, but my guess is that Matthew may have ignored high blood-pressure. Living the rock-n-roll gig lifestyle. This is total speculation based on fan-boy particpation– and intense study of 100 PERCENT FUN era material and beyond.
Nice to see people are aiding in Sweet recovery.
Light show projections

Christmas on TMZ