Day: August 31, 2023
Psychic verses psychic
What is your name? My name is Angel. Craig, who do you want to pride? I want to prank my good friend from college. Doriah Evan, why are they deserving of? Being brand derea, is like such a light full of laughter person, and she’s also really deep into spiritualities, and she’s very gullible.
So, she actually just wrapped up her classes with her mystic sessions. This summer is excited, she has some psychic abilities. Does she do seance and stuff like that? Yeah. So what’s the price recently? She just asked our friends if we could go down to duck, wala beach and perform an exercise where we write all of our negatives energies.
And attachments that are like, bringing us down and knowing the fire to get rid of them. So, the idea is we go, but while we’re there, the woman will run up to her and be like, hey, girlfriend. Like i’ve never your whole life and i’m channeling a message from the universe.
I need you to go to the tallest rooftop and downtown Los Angeles. If you don’t show up, there will be unintended consequences that you. Can’t even fathom. Evidency is going to be like, oh my gosh, like angel, like we have to go complete this mission. Like, oh my gosh.
And then that’s when. Oh, you’ve been friends.