Oh, that’s patrolman Springs, right? You’re the only thing standing between complete chaos. In order. Check. We’re on the radar chest department at your service. Son was cool. Yeah, there’s a place where we supposed to get
Drive. So, I don’t hear August.
Holy. Rick Smith. Why They call me the condo? I’m sorry I linked to the barbecue. I was on the mission when I got the call. Now, share a question baby. What’s the difference between bravery and courage? Oh, I know Bravery is something that you do. Sorry. For every when you do something dangerous and you’re not even scared courage.
When you’re smart enough to know, You should be scared but you do it anyway. Oh, you will not fail. I will not allow you to fail under my watch. I will not allow you to bear it. As God as my witness. We will not fail. Are you with me?
Are you with me? You know what I’m doing? Another thing is out of things, rock and roll. This can come out this day’s like this, are you with me? I tell you, with me, You