
And the reason I love this song so much, I love the premise of the song. You’re saying, and if I have this wrong, tell me, but when things are so shitty at home, why would you go? You knew a guy. He had a fucked up, home life. And then he’s going home and you go, why go home?

And it’s such a great question, why do we go home? And I mean, not only is it great musically but the premise is just so Awesome. And who is this guy? Ed, who is the guy who you knew who shouldn’t go home? For the first line there. Howard. It says uh, she So it’s a woman, it’s a woman.

Um sorry, it’s all right and um You know, it was also this thing about um, Parents, who couldn’t handle. Their kids are what was probably pretty normal, or maybe they were caught smoking pot, or maybe Grades were going down or both at the same time, or they got in a couple fights or they felt they were hanging out with the wrong crowd.

But but then because they They were at a loss or maybe they both parents worked or they needed help. And then they go to get, you know, like a Why person a psychologist or something a psychiatrist? And then And then they are kind of convinced that they should put the kid, you know, send them away.

In this case, A young woman and And then you realize, then it turns into another thing where They keep the kid there. And then and then it gets a little Little interesting when they keep the kid there until the insurance runs out.

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