Mexico bueno?

If Mayfield pivots to a “Mom and Josh bail-out effort” and when Bessie passes, the pristine parts of Mexico sound appealing for daily life. The Rebecca “Roses” book is lending an adventurous spirit.

Just drop off the grid and hit the road. Full on Gabby and Brian nomad style.

I may change my mind after watching the new season of Ozark. But somehow I think the drug lords might look kindly on me and not kill. As a Corona drinking taco eating beach bum it doesn’t taunt the locals. A celeb de cause around the village, the new belly fat Jew ex- pat guy from Brentwood, CA. Land of Betty White and Marilyn Monroe.

Disability access is global and I have a stock-pile of insulin. It could come down to passport. Fuck the real-ID and DMV shakedowns USA.

This move probably wouldn’t happen, but it was fun to scare my Mom. Maybe Austin, TX?

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